If you have not already done so, please please...go pick up this amazing magazine! Jenna Renee is the cover girl and is smokin' HOT!! 
I mean seriously have the freaking photo already said it all?
AHH Jenna is amazing people BUY THIS MAGAZINE and see hot hot HOT photos!!

Much Love

Hello Fans,
First of all I want to tell you--I AM NOT JENNA RENEE!
I am just a big fan and I have had the pleasure of being on her Facebook and chatting a bit! She is such a sweet girl, unfortunately Facebook does have a friend limit, so I want to share some links with you when you can reach out and support Jenna on her successful fitness journey!
Fitness Modeling Website : http;//www.jennareneefit.com 
Personal and ONLY twitter account: http;//www.twitter.com/jennareneefit
Also you can see her on Instagram at jennareneefit

I will be updating this log with random fun stuff about her if I get permission to upload pics she hasnt I will but like I said I am not her so I will not be doing things without consent!

Much Love